SwunMath is perfect for students to improve their all round mathematics ability.
Practice your mathematics while racing the clock in this innovative app. SwunMath will take your general arithmetic skills to the next level.
SwunMath is perfect for students in grades 3 to 8, or for anyone wanting to improve their general math skills. With multiple difficulty levels and a focus on self-improvement, SwunMath provides increasing challenges as your skills develop.
• Practice mental addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
• Develop arithmetic fluency and improve mental strategies
SwunMath improves arithmetic fluency and promotes development of mental strategies for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and mixed operations. With a focus on self-improvement, SwunMath provides individual feedback on your child’s progress as they develop arithmetic skills at their own pace.
SwunMath allows students to practice and develop general arithmetic at their own level, while providing increasing levels of difficulty as children master arithmetic skills.
SwunMath is perfect for students to improve their mathematics ability by practicing math facts in innovative ways. Students can practice mental math, fluency, and the commutative property. Arrays, number lines, ten-frames and subitizing are all scaffolds to be enabled to enhance learning. Older students can practice their facts with integers. All facts offer the challenge of applying the skills at a higher level.
SwunMath is perfect for students in grades K to 8, or for anyone wanting to improve their math skills. With multiple difficulty levels and a focus on self-improvement, SwunMath provides increasing challenges as your skills develop. Visual scaffolds are provided for the early learners.
• Practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts
• Enhance facts knowledge by relating to the commutative property
• Develop arithmetic fluency and improve mental strategies
SwunMath allows students to practice and develop general arithmetic at their own level, while providing increasing levels of difficulty as children master arithmetic skills. This app directly supports the Beyond the Basic Facts facts program. "
Swun Math, LLC