StoryCorps’ mission is to preserve and share humanity’s stories in order to build connections between people and create a more just and compassionate world. We are working to create of a culture of listening and understanding.
About StoryCorps
Founded in 2003, the nonprofit organization StoryCorps, based in Brooklyn, New York gives people the chance to record conversations about their lives, to pass wisdom from one generation to the next, and to leave a legacy for the future.
Recording an interview couldn’t be easier: You invite a loved one, or anyone else you choose, to make time for a conversation. The StoryCorps app explains the interview process, offers tips on how to find a quiet recording space, and provides questions and prompts to carry you through the conversation. Press “record,” and share in a conversation you’ll never forget. With one tap, your recording will be uploaded to the American Folklife Center at the United States Library of Congress. Interviews recorded using the app can be shared with family, friends, and others online.
You can also search and listen to conversations in our collection from inside the app.
Preserving your stories for you and for future generations is important to us. If you need help using the app, have technical issues, or want to make a suggestion, write us at or visit We love to hear from you!
Very special thanks to TED and the John S. and James L. Knight Foundation.
To learn more, visit
StoryCorps, Inc.