لوگو Simply Watercolor

Simply Watercolor

تصاویر Simply Watercolorتصاویر Simply Watercolorتصاویر Simply Watercolorتصاویر Simply Watercolorتصاویر Simply Watercolor


Create beautiful watercolor paintings automatically using photos taken on your iPhone or iPad. Simply Watercolor uses real world techniques to bleed color throughout the painting naturally while still retaining detail.

No artistic skill needed! Simply snap a photo, load it in the app and watch as it creates the painting for you. Want to personalize it? Use the panel of built-in controls to adjust detail, color and shades; or add an Outline for emphasis or an Artistic Finish for mood and tone.

Simply Watercolor is the on-the-go version of our Watercolor Studio Mac App.


  • Artificial Intelligence and Image Recognition

  • Powerful Wetness Algorithm

  • Detail and Shade Controls

  • Outline Controls with options to color

  • 54 Artistic Finishes to Warm or Cool overall painting and intensify color

  • Adjustable Watercolor Edge

  • One-Touch Settings to get you started

- Save Preset option to save settings for future photos
- Photo Cropping


  • Support for high-resolution images and output

- Multiple Undo

  • Randomize Button

- Quick Previewing

- Customizable Styles

  • Superior customer service

Contact us any time we are committed to your long-term satisfaction!

JixiPix turns any photo into a masterpiece.
The only requirement is art appreciation—we’ll take care of the rest!


Creative Tools for Creative Types

Photography | Graphic | Artistic Apps

Mac • iOS

تغییرات نسخه اخیر

iOS 15 Updates

توسعه دهنده

JixiPix, LLC