InkWell is FREE for people who are looking for the right tattoo artist in their area, and cheap for tattoo artists to subscribe. InkWell is a simple, affordable service that connects local tattoo artists and clients.
Fill up those books! Tattoo artists can get more work, quickly fill unexpected downtime due to cancellations, and let people who are looking for ink in your area know you're available. The ANNUAL cost of InkWell is less than the cost of one tattoo. You will receive push notifications of clients looking for a tattoo in your area- just respond to the ones that interest you.
Show off your work! Tattoo artists create a profile and can upload pictures of their work.
Find the right artist for you! Find local artists that are ready, willing and able to do your tattoo. Stop searching for artists on the internet, Instagram, etc., or striking out by contacting artists through e-mail, DM, etc. Just use InkWell for free and let the artists come to you.
Create your piece! InkWell allows you to describe the ink you want in detail, and even lets you upload pictures so artists know exactly what you want. Once you've created your piece, blast it out to your area and wait for artists to contact you about your piece.
Chat ahead of time! Artists and clients and chat through the app to avoid the wasted time (and awkwardness) of an in-person consultation.
Inkwell Inc.