لوگو Human Design App

Human Design App

تصاویر Human Design Appتصاویر Human Design Appتصاویر Human Design Appتصاویر Human Design App


The premier Human Design app for iPhone and iPad. Translated in 13 languages. Composite Charts, Returns and Transits available as IAP.

  • Human Design chart calculation

  • Context information about Centers, IChing gates and lines, Definition, Type, Inner Authority, Profiles, and Planets.

  • Transit Overlay - Ability to overlay current transits over any chart. Available as an In App Purchase

  • Composite Charts - Ability to create charts between two people. Available as an In App Purchase

  • Return Module - Saturn, Chiron, Solar Returns, Uranus Opposition. Available as an In App Purchase

  • Current Transits

  • Time Travel functionality showing Transits for previous and future dates

  • Human Design Forecast - see activated channels over the next 24 hours.

تغییرات نسخه اخیر

Bug fixes.

توسعه دهنده

Healing Shore LLC