ParksConnect presents this interactive field guide for Grand Canyon National Park. Designed for park visitors and enthusiasts, this app highlights over 100 plants and animals found in the park including amphibians, birds, insects, mammals, reptiles, wildflowers, trees, shrubs, cacti, and more. Use the app to enhance your Grand Canyon trip and see how many species you can identify.
App features include:
• 100+ plants and animals
• Species profiles
• Distribution charts
• Audio recordings
• Image gallery
• Detailed park map
• Offline connectivity
Species List:
Abert's Squirrel, American Badger, American Dipper, American Robin, Banana Yucca, Bark Scorpion, Big Brown Bat, Big Sagebrush, Bison, Black Widow Spider, Black-Chinned Hummingbird, Black-Tailed Jackrabbit, Bobcat, Bracken Fern, Broad-Tailed Hummingbird, Bushy-Tailed Woodrat, California Condor, Canyon Tree Frog, Canyon Wren, Century Plant, Cheatgrass, Chipping Sparrow, Cicada, Claretcup Cactus, Cliffrose, Collared Lizard, Common Raven, Coyote, Darkling Beetle, Desert Bighorn Sheep, Desert Cottontail, Desert Spiny Lizard, Engelmann Hedgehog Cactus, Four O’Clock, Fremont Cottonwood, Gambel Oak, Giant Hairy Scorpion, Gila Monster, Globe Mallow, Golden-Mantled Ground Squirrel, Grand Canyon Rattlesnake, Gray Fox, Great Basin Rattlesnake, Great Basin Spadefoot Toad, Great Horned Owl, Great Plains Toad, Horsetail, Indian Ricegrass, Javelina, Juniper Titmouse, Kaibab Squirrel, Kanab Ambersnail, Least Chipmunk, Long-Nosed Leopard Lizard, Maidenhair Fern, Monarch Butterfly, Mountain Chickadee, Mountain Lion, Mourning Dove, Mule Deer, New Zealand Mudsnail, Northern Flicker, Ocotillo, Peregrine Falcon, Pinyon Jay, Pinyon Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Porcupine, Prickly Pear Cactus, Prickly Poppy, Quaking Aspen, Red Squirrel, Red-Spotted Toad, Red-Tailed Hawk, Rock Squirrel, Rocky Mountain Elk, Ruby-Crowned Kinglet, Rufous Hummingbird, Sacred Datura, Sagebrush Lizard, Sego Lily, Sentry Milk-Vetch, Short-Horned Lizard, Side Oats Gramma, Sonoran Gopher Snake, Southern Cattail, Speckled Rattlesnake, Spotted Towhee, Steller’s Jay, Tamarisk, Tarantula, Tarantula Hawk, Tiger Salamander, Townsend's Big-Eared Bat, Turkey Vulture, Utah Juniper, Violet-Green Swallow, Western Chuckwalla, Western Tanager, Whipple Cholla, White-Throated Swift, Woodhouse’s Toad, Yucca Moth, Zebra-Tailed Lizard, Zone-Tailed Hawk
• Updated app interface
• Added new photos
Parks Connect LLC