This math app can be used to teach and study the rounding of decimals. You can set your own problems or solve random problems. The decimal numbers can be rounded to nearest whole number, tenth, hundredth or thousandth. They can also be rounded to 0, 1, 2 or 3 decimal places.
The app guides you step by step when you solve each problem and there are no penalties for wrong answers. Clean interface and the total lack of timers ensures a stress free learning environment.
Features and settings:
-Each decimal number can have 2-8 digits
-Problems can be random or custom
-Colors of the interface can be changed
-The speed of the animations can be set
-Different interface on iPhone and iPad
-Works in portrait and landscape orientation on the iPad
Other iDevBooks math apps
iDevBooks math apps have been reviewed and endorsed by,,, Teachers with Apps, and other respected sites and organizations.
Some of the other 24 iDevBooks math apps are Column Subtraction, Column Addition, Long Division, Long Multiplication, Lattice Multiplication, Visual Multiplication Table, Fraction Math, Partial Differences Subtraction, Partial Quotients Division, Partial Sums Addition, etc.
Feedback and requests for new features
New ideas to make this app better are welcome. Please visit to give feedback.
This app has no ads or in-app purchases and it does not transmit any data during the operation of the app. This app also does not contain any links to other apps or the web.
Esa Helttula