لوگو Calculator Pro Elite

Calculator Pro Elite

تصاویر Calculator Pro Eliteتصاویر Calculator Pro Eliteتصاویر Calculator Pro Eliteتصاویر Calculator Pro Eliteتصاویر Calculator Pro Elite


This is THE BEST calculator for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch!

・Design your own color theme!

・Dual-line display - shows the input and result at the same time

・History tape - saves every calculation, time and date stamped

・Memory buttons - shows its value on the display

・Percentage and backspace button

・Scientific functions

・6 layouts (3 portrait, 3 landscape)

・Multi-line input for really long equations

・Automatic scientific formatting

・Label any calculation in the history tape

・E-mail a calculation or the entire history tape

・VoiceOver accessibility

・iOS 9 Split View

・3D Touch



・Swipe down to see the history tape

・Tap & hold on the result to copy

・Tap & hold on the input to move the cursor, copy, paste, convert to E-notation


・Font Size

・Bold Font

・Color Theme

・Rounded Buttons

・Dark Mode

・Allowable Layouts

・Show Memory Buttons

・Replace ÷ Button With /

・Replace E Button With Hidden, EE, 00 or 000

・Show Thousands Separators

・Minimum Decimal Digits

・Maximum Decimal Digits


・Equals Repeat

・Left-Handed Mode

URL Scheme: calculatorproelite://

تغییرات نسخه اخیر

  • Miscellaneous improvements

توسعه دهنده

Cider Software LLC