لوگو Bandsintown Concerts

Bandsintown Concerts

تصاویر Bandsintown Concertsتصاویر Bandsintown Concertsتصاویر Bandsintown Concertsتصاویر Bandsintown Concertsتصاویر Bandsintown Concertsتصاویر Bandsintown Concerts


Never miss a show. Bandsintown is the #1 concert discovery platform, bringing together over 68 million passionate live music fans and 560,000 artists.

Our free app makes it easy to discover live events, connect with your favorite artists, and get notified when they’re playing near you or streaming live. Buy tickets with confidence from official tickets sellers and save events to get convenient reminders leading up to the show.

Sync Bandsintown with your favorite music apps to automatically follow the artists you love and let our powerful recommendation engine help you discover your next mind-blowing live music experience.

• Discover the best concerts, festivals, and livestreams

• Search millions of live events by genre, artist, date and location

• Buy tickets from official ticket sellers you can trust

• Be the first to know when your favorite artists announce new shows

• Sync your music libraries on Spotify, Apple Music, Facebook and more to instantly follow the artists you love

• Get personalized artist and event recommendations based on your music taste

• Build a custom concert calendar and share events with friends

Named one of TIME Magazine’s 50 Best Apps of the Year and Business Insider’s The App 100: The World’s Greatest Apps

Download the Bandsintown app and never miss a show.


Website: https://www.bandsintown.com

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bandsintown

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bandsintown

Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/bandsintown

Terms of Use: https://corp.bandsintown.com/terms

Privacy Policy: https://corp.bandsintown.com/privacy

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توسعه دهنده

Bandsintown Inc.